This kept me going for a fair while and was nicely satisfying. The ground flaxseed is added for extra protein. If you don't have any than I'd recommend buying a bag from your local healthfood store, it is about £4.50 but a bag lasts you ages and keeps well in the fridge. It is great in porridge/salads/soup/smoothies/sauces and is soooo good for you.
Blueberry breakfast smoothie
100g of blueberries
1 banana (if you don't like bananas, leave it out and add more oats to thicken)
Handful of oats
Soya milk (or dairy milk)
Squeeze of agave nectar (or honey)
1 tsp ground flaxseed
Dash of vanilla extract
- Stick it all in a blender and blend
- Add more milk until you get the right consistency
- Serve over ice for a chillier start to the day
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