
13 January 2012

Butternut Squash, Ginger and Lentil Soup

Yes, another soup. It was a VERY frosty morning this morning and cycling into work was not the enjoyable feat it usually is. However, knowing I had a lovely thick and warming soup to look forward to for lunch gave me the courage to plough on.

I have had a huge butternut squash in my kitchen for a while now, I think the size of it daunted me, but I have finally finished it by making 2 soups and a curry out of it. If my next few recipes are butternut squash based, now you know why.

This soup is great for when you're feeling ill, especially in this chilly weather.


Serves 3-4
1 onion, diced
2 inch piece peeland and grated fresh ginger
500ml vegetable stock
1/3 large butternut squash, peeled and cut into chunks
1 can chopped tomatoes
75g red lentils
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  1. Sauté the onion in a medium pan on a low-medium in a splash of olive oil until translucent. 
  2. Add the ginger and squash and cook for about 5 minutes.
  3. Add the stock, tomatoes, lentils, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil and reduce heat. Simmer for 15-20 minutes or until the squash and lentils are cooked.
  4. Puree the soup until smooth with a hand blender or food processor. Return to the pot, reheat, and check seasoning.
  5. Serve with warm crusty bread.
Butternut Squash, Ginger and Lentil Soup

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