
01 July 2012

Tofu stir fry with coconut satay sauce and buckwheat noodles

Ok so there are a few reasons why I haven't been blogging recently. One, because I just haven't found the time, and two, because I keep on forgetting to take photos of my creations. I know this is a bit of a weak excuse, but I find reading about food much more exciting when there is a picture included, so if I don't capture it, I don't blog about it. 

Well, I thought sod it, yes I made some good food, and yes I munched it down without stopping to think about you my lovely readers, so I'm sorry I didn't take a picture. I have however been cheeky and searched online to find something similar, so I have stolen this picture from Marcus Samuelsson's website.

I used this satay style sauce as a marinade for tofu, but I think it would be good as a dipping sauce, or I have seen Veggie num num use satay sauce as a topping for burgers. It is very versatile so use it as you wish.

Tofu stir fry with coconut satay sauce and buckwheat noodles

Serves 2

Half block firm tofu, chopped into 2cm chunks
Half yellow pepper, chopped into sticks
4-5 leaves of spring greens, sliced
Edamame (soya) beans
5-6 asparagus spears
Cherry tomatoes, whole
Buckwheat noodles
  1. Marinade the tofu in the coconut satay sauce (below) for at least half an hour.
  2. Heat some oil in a wok, pick the tofu out of the sauce and add to the wok.
  3. Fry for 6-8 minutes, stirring occasionally to brown.
  4. Add the spring greens, yellow pepper, asparagus spears and edamame beans, and fry for a further 4-5 minutes.
  5. Meanwhile, heat a pan of water and cook the buckwheat noodles for 3-4 minutes, or as packet instructions.
  6. Drain the noodles and place in cold water.
  7. Throw the cherry tomatoes into the wok and heat for a further 1 minute.
  8. Add the noodles to the wok and add the coconut satay sauce. Heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring, and serve.
  9. Sprinkle over some more fresh coriander, and a squeeze of lime.
Coconut satay sauce
2 cloves garlic, crushed and chopped
1 inch ginger, peeled and chopped
large handful fresh coriander, chopped (stalks and all)
2 tbsp crunchy peanut butter (I use 100% peanut butter, no added sugar, salt or oil)
1 tsp demerara sugar (palm sugar would be best but I didn't have any)
1 tsp sesame oil
3 tbsp soy sauce
Half can of coconut milk
Juice of 1 lime
1 green chilli, chopped
1 tsp dried chilli flakes
Splash water
  1. Mix everything up. 

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